Evan Peters portrays ”Tate Langdon”

Evan Peters plays Tate Langdon. Tate Langdon is a new patient at Ben’s. He dreams of going on an egregious killing spree at high school. Tate speaks provocatively to Ben to upset him. Tate langdon visits Violet, Ben’s daughter, in her bedroom. Tate langdon apologizes to Ben when Tate tells Tate langdon he cannot be his therapist.

Tate is a familiar face to the Harmons. He convinces Violet to take a school rival into the basement, where he attacks him with a deformed child. Violet and Vivien then fight the intruders at home, chopping Bianca in the stomach using an axe. Tate, Constance and Moira then clean up the mess. Tate invites Violet on Halloween to go out on a date. However, Tate is unable perform sexually at the right moment. Violet and Tate langdon are confronted on the beach by five teenagers who Violet believes are dressed in costumes, but are actually Tate’s deceased victims. They have risen on Halloween to confront Tate about the school murders he committed in the 90s. Tate is unable to recall killing the teens no matter what he’s tried. Violet learns from Contance that she is Tate’s mother.

Tate Langdon High School 

After a heinous crime spree at Tate langdon’s high school, which saw the deaths of 15 students and the paralysis of a teacher, it was revealed that Tate langdon was killed in the Murder House. Tate langdon and Violet are both aware of Tate’s ghosthood, and Violet is happy with this knowledge.

Tate is more in touch with Violet than ever since he fell in love. He helped her save her from suicide attempts and encouraged her to stop cutting herself. He also explained to her all about ghosts and how to get rid of them.

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Recently, Tate was revealed to be The Rubber Man or “Gimp” In an attempt to steal the costume from Chad and murder Patrick, Tate attempted to move into the house and provide Nora Montgomery with a child.

Tate langdon had sex later with Vivien Harms while dressing up as The Rubber Man. He is now the father of one twin (Ben fathered the other), which she is currently carrying in her womb. Tate is currently plotting with Hayden to make Viiven insane so they can have her twins. Tate recently took his relationship with Violet to a new level.

Tate langdon tried to seduce Violet into committing a Romeo-and-Juliet-style suicide in “Smoldering children” to keep her from learning that she had overdosed. After she tried to flee the house several times, each attempt was warped back, Tate langdon revealed that he failed to do so. She was too sick to live, so he tried to save her. Tate attacked Ben, the “Gimp”, in an attempt to seduce Violet into his suicide plan. In the fight, Tate’s mask was pulled off by Ben and he could see who it was through a mirror. Ben knows the man who raped his wife, Vivien.

It’s not clear if Tate langdon can recall the school shooting that led to his death. However, he does remember how he died. Violet closed Tate’s “life” by closing her eyes, shouting “Go away!” Tate introduced Violet to this method of blocking ghosts. Tate was taught it by Nora Montgomery after Thaddeus (her “son”) almost killed Tate langdon as a child.

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Tate is different from other ghosts in that he seems to hold onto what they had before their deaths and not change his thoughts or actions. Tate said to Nora Montgomery that he would give her a child. This was presumably in order to save her life. After falling in love for Violet and wondering what would happen to their relationship if one of their brothers died, Tate confronted Nora Montgomery and said that he could not give the child to her.